
We formed Clay on the Green Foundation which is a 501(c)(3) foundation in honor of Clay Price’s brave and courageous fight against Ewing’s Sarcoma. We hope to raise money to donate to Ewing’s Sarcoma - in hopes of finding a cure so that no one has to endure the pain that Clay and our family endured. Our main fundraiser will be an annual golf tournament, we chose a golf tournament because it was Clay’s favorite sport and is one of the things he missed the most while going through chemo and his surgeries. Together we hope to make a difference and celebrate Clay’s life. Clay made the best of every situation and we hope we can do the same with this foundation. Read more about Clay’s journey here.

Ewing Sarcomas are not common. About 1% of all childhood cancers are Ewing tumors. About 200 children and teens are diagnosed with Ewing Sarcomas in the United States each year. Slightly more males than females develop these cancers